Reflecting on 2024 and Looking Forward to 2025 with Jeet Kumar

Merry Christmas, everyone.
This is a season of reflection, creation, and celebration.
I'm reflecting on so many things. This is our 16th year of creation, and it’s an exciting time for our business and the world.
We created this company with the mindset of Creating Abundance on this planet. What I found this year is that, despite challenges externally and internally, we stayed true to our values and our commitment to creating abundance.
We have not grown over the last two years. Our revenue shrunk by 8% in 2023 and grew only by 10% this year in 2024. We lost half the revenue of one of our major partners. This year, it has been crucial to reaffirm our commitment to our values, employees, and partners. It can be challenging not to lose sight of those things when revenue growth is stagnant, but we took an unwavering stand and did not compromise on the things most important to In Time Tec.
Investing for the Future
Despite the lack of revenue growth, we did not compromise on our investments in growth in other areas. We were a presidential-level sponsor at the NMSDC Annual Conference and Exchange. We held multiple offsite meetings designed to grow people in both India and the US. We never compromised on “ROI or Don’t Pay.” We were recognized as the NWMMSDC Class III Supplier of the Year, one of the fastest growing businesses in Idaho by Peak 43, a significant contributor to job creation by the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce, one of the best Evergreen companies of the year by Tugboat, and so much more.
We did not slow down on product development.
We did not slow down on our investments in innovative software solutions.
We did not slow down on our community involvement and engagement.
We did not slow down on our nonstop mission and commitment to growing people into the leaders they deserve to be.
These are all absolute wins despite our challenges in the marketplace.
In Time Tec has a steadfast foundation. The resiliency and tenacity of our people - our commitment to Creating Abundance - is alive and here to stay. Whether we have a growth year or a down year, we don't compromise on our commitments.
This revenue reduction didn't force us to compromise on our values either: we got our act together and rallied collectively, ending Q4 with growth, and I expect our growth to return to the 30-35% range, crossing the $50 million revenue mark in 2025.
I'm so thankful to our employees who work tirelessly, our partners who believe in us, and this community that loves us so much. I can't wait to welcome 2025 and step into our exciting futures together.
Global Expansion
Who we are, what we do, and why we do is not country or geography specific. The world is shifting toward accessibility: anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Our goal is the same, and there are needs across the globe.
With the experience that we’ve gained in the US market for the past 16 years, I believe we can be a market leader globally. The tight-knit collaboration of our onshore and offshore teams ensures a sustainable, scalable, and profitable business. Last year, we opened offices in Australia, South Korea, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and the Netherlands. This year, we continued to expand with a new office in Colombia.
We’re establishing ourselves as both a services and a products company by investing significantly in our product portfolio. We’re building solutions that cater to individual and specific markets. DataInsightAI is a new Gen-AI platform in development in Australia; AeroSuite is a new solution serving airports around the globe; SupplierMatch, introduced at NMSDC, opens the door for global suppliers to match with the right buyers. These are in addition to the products that we have already brought to market, such as Cartos, NextGen AgTech, Roll On Dispatch App, CATS, and ClearSpend.
Sharing our story with others - the story of Creating Abundance – is important to us. We’re celebrating because this year, In Time Tec reached over 50,000 LinkedIn followers, and I, myself, have over 15,000 followers. We have blogs, podcasts, a YouTube channel, articles, and numerous other ways to share our journey. The more we share, the more abundance we have the possibility of creating on this planet.
In Time Tec 2.0
To create more and grow your business, you need to grow your organization. In Time Tec 2.0 is a new initiative to create a sustainable, scalable organization that inspires our employees and delights our partners.
How are we achieving this?
As part of this scalable system, we created an organization where managers become caretakers and provide unshakable, unquestionable love and leadership to employees to help them thrive. Our managers inspire employees, enabling them to aspire, achieve individual goals, and align with the company's goals.
Our first-level managers work with people on a one-on-one level to understand their aspirations, goals, challenges, problems, and constraints. Our second-level managers, or senior managers, coach and mentor the first-level managers while ensuring delivery happens on time with quality. Our directors focus on organizational development, ensuring processes and project goals are sustainable and scalable. Above the directors, we have the senior leadership team and board that lead the business creation and guide the entire team, helping them to achieve our overarching business objective of “Delighted Partners and Inspired Employees!”
Our Focus in 2025
There are four major things needed for any organization to create inspiration for employees and to delight partners: people, processes, projects, and business.
In Time Tec 2.0 includes our mission board for 2025 and beyond.
The people section is about having a strong pipeline of secondary leaders, fully expressed employees worldwide, and a single culturally aligned team. This is the responsibility of our first-level managers to create those possibilities for our employees.
You can have inspired employees, but if you don’t have a business - if you don’t have delighted partners - then things don’t work. You understand their business objectives, listen to them, and deliver with an unshakable, unquestionable delivery methodology and pipeline. We delight partners by delivering on time, with quality, and with our “ROI or Don’t Pay” commitment.
Organization development ensures we have a consistent delivery model and a standardized way of doing things, whether in the US, Colombia, India, Europe, or Australia. Languages may differ, but our mindset of Creating Abundance is consistent. We take care of people, love every human being, and lead from the front.
Generating profit allows us to create and distribute wealth responsibly. A sustainable business is necessary because, while money doesn’t solve all problems, a lack of money creates all kinds of problems. We want to ensure our company has no problems. We’re not solely focused on profit, but a lack of profit creates challenges, barriers, and constraints in our commitment to creating abundance.
We aim to double our company every three years, maintain profit margins, and have a diverse portfolio so we’re not putting all our eggs in one basket. By 2025, our revenue will be made up of 60% services, 20% software solutions, 10% products, and 10% global operations.
Our focus in 2025 is simple - grow the existing business, look for new opportunities, and create a solid organizational structure as a part of In Time Tec 2.0.
Leadership Growth
I'm a strong believer that leadership is a learned skill, and yet there is a dearth of leadership on this planet. If you look at homes, organizations, communities, countries - there's a lot of suffering and a lack of strong leaders. Things rise and fall around leaders. You can change the leader, or you can change the conversation.
I may be President and CEO of In Time Tec, but in my world, no one works for me. Rather, I work for everyone. I'm always looking for potential leaders, and I'm always looking for opportunities to be the kind of human being who can provide leadership coaching all around the world. For me, leadership goes beyond In Time Tec. Anyone can be a leader. And yet, people need to choose to be a leader.
We have created a group called Build ITT Future. This is a group of people coming together to create their future. That future cannot and will not be created until each individual and the collective team understands leadership and commits their lives to their journey and the work that leadership requires.
Once you know who you are and what gets you going, you have a better chance of success as a leader. As part of this initiative, I want people to learn that they need to look at every action they take. Their actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more. It involves self-reflection, inquiry, self-awareness, and self-development.
You don't need to be a leader to manage things, like chairs and tables. You don't need leadership to manage nonliving entities. You manage things, but you lead people. The moment you have living human beings to guide, mentor, coach, or inspire, you need leadership.
Leadership is a process that we have taken on. On a daily basis, on a weekly basis, on a monthly basis, on a yearly basis - it’s a never-ending process. We’ve been doing this for the last 15 years, and we’re just as committed to next year as we were last year. I’m a strong believer that many more people in the company will become part of this leadership team; those whose actions have started inspiring people to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more.
Community is Key
We help and serve our communities and partners through close relationships, ensuring that they feel whole and complete. Their business needs are our needs, and having vested partnerships is who we are.
This year, we continued supporting our partnerships through events and other community engagements. In Boise, we worked with Women Innovators, Trailhead, and the Idaho Technology Council to attend and sponsor events like SheTech, Tech Talks, and Boise Entrepreneur Week. We volunteered with the Idaho Food Bank and the Ronald McDonald House to support people in need, and we hosted sessions with youth from the College of Western Idaho and Breaking Chains Academy at our office.
We’re going beyond Idaho to serve Fortune 500 companies that have footprints across the globe. We’re continuing to serve our people-first-driven Tugboat Evergreen companies. We’ve reached people far beyond just Idaho – we supported minority business enterprises (MBEs) through our presidential sponsorship at the National Minority Supplier Development Council’s annual event and hosted a booth at GITEX GLOBAL 2024, the biggest tech show in the world.
Our partners are an integral part of our company - an integral part of Creating Abundance - and though we don't live under the same umbrella, we don't see ourselves as separate from them, just as they don't see us as separate from them. In March 2025, we’re doing something very special: we’re inviting our partners to India.
We are one team, and I want our partners to meet with the In Time Tec team members in India that they work with. There are quite a few people working and helping our partners’ businesses, and going to India will allow them to learn, understand, love, and lead our people who are part of their team.
This will be an opportunity for our partners to understand India as a country, a culture, its people as human beings, and, more importantly, their team members. They will have opportunities to meet with leaders from other geographies and make business connections. When you communicate, connect, and bring compassion, creation happens. And at the end of the day, that’s the goal.
Love and Leadership
I always say that leadership is not a title, status, or designation. It is a responsibility, a way to create a better future for yourself and other human beings around you.
If you choose to pursue leadership in 2025, make sure you get to know yourself as a human being. My advice for anyone who aspires to leadership is to understand that it is work. It’s a lifelong commitment. Once you understand that you aren’t doing it for anyone else but yourself, it becomes fascinating and exciting. It's a process that one must commit to, and it requires a lot of hard work and emotional and physical stamina. It’s a lifelong journey of serving others.
Loving yourself and loving others is the foundational work of a leader. With that foundation, engage in self-inquiry, self-discovery, self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-development. With love and leadership, you create the possibility of contributing to the lives of those around you in such an impactful and powerful way.
I'm grateful for what we have here at In Time Tec. I'm grateful for our employees who work tirelessly to create possibilities for all the partners we serve. I'm keeping all of this in mind as I celebrate Christmas and this holiday season with so many people around - loved ones, family, employees, partners/clients, and all the people who come along with us on the journey of Creating Abundance.
Wishing you all once again Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a very happy New Year.
Love you all. Let’s Go!
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